Historical Articles - page 1
11/12/1945 | Philadelphia Record
Legal profession
Public lack of confidence in the legal profession upsets Justice Royal A. Stone
07/14/1946 | The American Weekly
03/12/1946 | New York Times
Anti-trust case
03/13/1946 | New York Times
Anti-trust case
05/13/1946 | Newark News
12/20/1946 | Trenton Evening Times
Judge Forman
All branches of the armed forces are represented on Federal Jduge Phillip Forman's staff
Judge Avis
01/01/1947 | New York Times
Portal pay suits
01/08/1947 | Journal American
Westbrook Pegler discusses aspects of Joe Fay's Jersey trial before Judge Meaney
01/08/1947 | Journal American
01/15/1947 | Trenton Times
01/14/1947 | Trenton Times
01/13/1947 | Trenton Times
01/14/1947 | Journal American
tax evasion
tax evasion
A jury of 11 persons acquitted Joseph S. Fay of income tax evasion
01/14/1947 | Trenton Times
impersonating officer
01/16/1947 | NY Journal American
jurors in question
01/16/1947 | Trenton Times
tax evasion
jury selection
A jury was selected in Federal Court, Newark to hear the trial of Joseph S. Fay, AFL union leader
01/16/1947 | Camden Courrier
experimental role
01/21/1947 | Trenton Evening Times
Governor Driscoll
01/19/1947 | Bulletin
District Court Rules
Judge can upset guilty verdict under new District Court rule
01/17/1947 | Record
Loss of a court reporter's stenotype notes frees perjury suspect
01/31/1947 | Camden Courrier
01/31/1947 | Camden Courrier
impersonating MP officer
01/22/1947 | Trenton Times
financial reorganization
The Hotel Realty Company received tentative approval of a plan for financial reorganization
02/01/1947 | Camden Courrier
01/28/1947 | Courier-Post
01/08/1947 | Philadelphia Inquirer
01/07/1947 | The Evening Bulletin
tax evasion - Fay case
tax evasion - Fay case
02/05/1947 | Newark Evening News
tax evasion - Fay case
Grand Jury probes handling of Fay case, calls Rossbach prosecution inept
02/05/1947 | Newark Evening News
tax evasion - Fay case
02/06/1947 | Newark Evening News
tax evasion - Fay case
Cartoon - "Another Look" regarding the grand jury in the Fay case
02/06/1947 | Newark Evening News
tax evasion - Fay case
02/05/1947 | Journal American
tax evasion - editorial page
Opinion of Westbrook Pegler - "Clark Responsibility in Fay Case Studied"
02/12/1947 | Newark News
tax evasion - Fay case
02/10/1947 | Inquirer
tax evasion - editorial page
02/13/1947 | Newark News
tax evasion - Fay case
02/13/1947 | Newark News
tax evasion - Fay case
tax evasion - editorial page
tax evasion - Fay case
Jury finds reports by U.S. Officials end the need for inquiry
tax evasion - Fay case
tax evasion - Fay case
03/17/1947 | Newark News
tax evasion - Fay case
Fay faces civil suit on taxes, new action planned over payments by contractors
02/16/1947 | Trenton Times
Woman seeking naturalization claims she never knew Nazis persecuted Jews, Christians
02/14/1947 | Trenton Times
work stoppages
Judge Forman upholds Thermoid suit against unions for damages arising from work stoppage
U.S. Atty Chief Aide Resigns
U.S. Atty Chief Aide Resigns
02/27/1947 | Trenton Evening Times
Trenton Brith Sholom Lodge