Noel Lawrence Hillman
Title: District Court
Appointed by: George W. Bush
Judicial Tenure: 2006
Born: 1956
Birth Place: Red Bank, NJ
Professional Career
- Private practice, New Jersey, 1986
- Law clerk, Hon. Maryanne Trump Barry, U.S. District Court, District of New Jersey, 1986-1988
- Private practice, New York, 1988-1992
- Assistant U.S. attorney, District of New Jersey, 1992-2001
- deputy chief, Criminal Division, 2000-2001
- Public Integrity Section, Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice, 2001-2006
- principal deputy chief, 2001-2002
- acting chief, 2002-2003
- chief, 2003-2006
- Monmouth University, B.A., 1981
- Seton Hall University School of Law, J.D., 1985
- New York University School of Law, LL.M., 1998
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William Mershon Lanning
1904 - 1909
William Nelson Runyon
1923 - 1931
William Rossell
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