Maryanne Trump Barry
Title: District Court
Appointed by: Ronald Reagan
Judicial Tenure: 1983 - 1999
Born: 1937
Birth Place: New York, NY
Professional Career
- Assistant U.S. attorney, District of New Jersey, 1974-1983
- Civil Division, 1974-1975
- Appeals Division, 1976-1982
- deputy chief, 1976-1977
- chief, 1977-1982
- Executive assistant U.S. attorney, 1981-1982
- First assistant U.S. attorney, 1981-1983
- Chair, Criminal Law Committee, Judicial Conference of the United States, 1994-1996
- Mount Holyoke College, B.A., 1958
- Columbia University, M.A., 1962
- Hofstra University School of Law, J.D., 1974