Leon Abbett
Title: Bankruptcy
Born: March 27, 1867
Birth Place: Jersey City, NJ
Judge Abbett was born in Jersey City, March 27, 1867, and was educated in the High School and Hasbrouck Institute there. He was graduated from Columbia Law School in 1866 and after spending a year in Berlin, was admitted to the New York Bar. A year later, in February, 1889, was admitted to practice in this State as an attorney. Three years later he was made a counselor and for a time practiced in New York and Jersey City. He went to Hoboken in 1891. In 1898 was appointed a Referee in Bankruptcy.
In 1899, 1900 and 1901 he served in the Legislature as a member of the Assembly from Hudson county. At one time he was clerk in the State Senate. He also served for a period as corporation counsel of Hoboken.
He was married to Lillian Hall and had two sons, Leon Abbett Jr., and Sheldon Abbett.
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